Tuesday, September 14, 2010

And 4 years later, she finally gets it....

I found this post from over 4 years ago...I guess I am a little slow! I get it now, and we are going. :-)

"I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: 'Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?'" (Isaiah 6:8)

I am curious, how many of us hear the call of the Lord? How many of us are REALLY listening? I know that I am so guilty of being so wrapped up in my life and the lives of my children that I rarely stop to breathe, much less stop to listen for God telling me what He wants from me. I am really good, however at deciding what I think he wants from me. I think I know what I am good at, not good at, and how I think he can best use me. But guess what? As long as I am focused on myself, thinking I know better than God what I should do.....then I will be of no use to him....I will ignore the call, tune it out, or worse yet - NEVER EVEN HEAR IT! The trick for me is to finally remove the focus from myself and to surrender to his will for my life - even if it takes me out of my comfort zone. I have to be in a right relationship with him to hear the call......

My prayer is that we will all forget about ourselves and really listen for the call of God and then obey the call when we hear it. That is the only way the church will function as intended. God Bless!

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